
This website, as well as the content of this website (the information) is the property of TRC. The information on this website is accessible to everyone. Although TRC makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is correct and complete, we do not give any guarantee in this respect.
TRC and its employees are in no event liable for any damage (direct or indirect) resulting from or related to the use or (partial) inability to use the information and/or the website.
This website contains hyperlinks to other websites. These websites are owned and/or managed by third parties, over which TRC has no control. TRC is therefore not responsible for and does not accept any liability with respect to the accuracy and completeness of (the content of) these other websites, nor for their availability, nor for whether the information made available by or through these websites can be used legally.
TRC reserves the right to make changes to this website without prior notice.
TRC has the right to modify, interrupt or terminate access to the site at any time without notice.
Prices and product information are indicated subject to errors inherent to the system: programming errors and typographical errors cannot be considered binding on the user.